We improve the effectiveness of sites and increase the return of investments in marketing.
Analysis of user scenarios and sales funnel
Scenarios of the behaviour of buyers are an important basis for making the right decisions with the target of improvement of site effectiveness and optimization of advertising costs. In the future they allow you to segment your target audience according to various criteria, and work with customer segments individually on the website and other communication channels.
Definition of KPI and development of a plan for optimization
We define the metrics that most accurately reflects the impact of marketing tools on sale. It is important to combine the use of an iterative approach and maximize the full available data to make accurate and timely decisions. This approach allows you to move from the quick and the most obvious actions with the incomplete data to a more detailed and accurate analysis of KPI- business, with the accumulation of a sufficient amount of data for making reliable decisions.

Customization of analytics systems
We customize analytics systems based on the goals and objectives. We use all possible tools that will give us the opportunity to see a full and objective picture of the effectiveness of the site and of the involved traffic: customization of goals and e-commerce indicators in web analytics, call-tracking, and the recording of user actions at various devices and so on. We lock all the data in one common system; create clear reporting for decision-making about further development.
Usability audit and increase in conversion of websites
The proposed improvements to the site are based on real user behaviour according to systems analytics (Google Analytics), in-page analytics (ClickTale), the method of characters and scenarios, using heuristics and analysis of competitors.
Traffic analysis and optimization of advertising tools
We implement a complex of measures to improve the efficiency and optimization of advertising campaigns using web analytics tools, based on KPI -business. We also combine automating bid management and mining personnel. In addition to our developments, we use advanced automation tools.
Our own monitoring technologies allow us to quickly react to any changes in tools and competitive environment.
A/B and A/A testing of pages
It is impossible to say what decision and implementation will be better, what element of the call-to-action will work better or what arguments will be stronger to motivate clients to the implementation of the target actions and behaviours. Therefore, we test any changes and campaigns with such tools as Google Website Optimizer, Optimizely, plan and implement tests and conclusions.
Implementation of analysis tools and improvement of ROI
Depending on the situation, we offer you the tools to improve the accuracy of the data about the clients, orders, and campaign effectiveness. We recommend difficult automatic targeting and implementing strategies to improve the profitability of advertising on the basis of conversions. We also install modules, personalize and improve site conversions.